PR Info

I love to learn about and try new things!  
I am always looking for new and interesting products to share with my readers! 

Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate business, and I will dedicate myself to maximizing your exposure!

If you have a product or giveaway you would like me to promote, please email me at:
I can't wait to hear from you!

Why choose Looking Glass Jewels?
If you are considering offering items for a giveaway or sending me items to review, thank you! 

I am thorough, honest, and enthusiastic about your products!  I am prepared to heavily promote your giveaway/review for maximum exposure!  My readers are primarily women interested in providing the very best for their families and homes, and they want to know about your business! 

By offering an item for review or giveaway, you are automatically spreading the word with very little effort on your part! Let me help you increase your pool of potential customers!  You have a great product - let me do the hard work of letting people know all about it!  I offer you the opportunity to quickly and easily increase your visibility and thereby increase your sales! 

Okay, sounds good... Now what?
It's simple, just contact me! 

If you have an item(s) you want me to review:
Let me know you are interested and we will work together to determine the item(s) I will review for you!  I will send you my shipping information and you will ship your item(s) to me.  As soon as I receive your item(s), I will write an honest review of my opinions of your product.  I will be thorough, professional, and completely straightforward in my review. 

Is it possible I won't like your item?  It could happen, but it's unlikely if you have a quality product!  I am very optimistic and open-minded, and will review your product with your intended consumer in mind.  I will take quality photos of your item(s) in use and will be extremely thoughtful in providing my readers, your potential customers, with the most honest and professional review possible!

If you choose to offer a giveaway:
You may offer the same product(s) I have reviewed, or you may offer alternate products, a gift certificate, coupons, or a discount!
Readers will be given multiple ways to enter the giveaway - including earning entries that will help drive your business.  For example, extra contest entry options can include sharing the giveaway link viaTwitter and Facebook.  Additionally, extra entry options can include following your blog, Twitter, and Facebook page, signing up for your newsletters, and making purchases from your shop!  What an easy and effective way to increase visibility!

Winners will be chosen using a random number generator.  I will collect and email the winner's address and contact info to you.  You will then ship the winnings directly to the recipient.

Item(s) sent to me or to winners become the property of the recipients and will not be returned.  Neither myself or winners can be held responsible for charges, such as shipping and handling or any other fees.  Please be honest with your offerings, as failure to hold to your promises will incur hurt feelings and general unhappiness.  No one wants that!  :)

I am eager to work with you to help spread the word and increase exposure of your great products!  Send me an email and you will hear back from me right away!

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